Self Forgiveness on Who I Am as Music Expression

Art by reptiletc on DeviantArt

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to doubt my expression through music, and within this to judge my expression and therefore to fear that others will judge my expression. Within this, I see that I have the tendency to then try to make disclaimers for what I do, which is actually me diminishing myself, my expression, through my eyes and for the eyes of others.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to believe I need to ‘explain’ why something apparently isn’t ‘good’ or ‘good enough’, within this not considering I am actually making the statement that it is ‘not good enough’ and that I am the one placing judgment on it/myself/my expression, instead of standing one and equal with my expression here, with no judgment, in vulnerability, and with the courage to stand by what I do and what I value.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to make excuses and justifications as to why something I’ve done isn’t good enough, within this not realizing that I am believing that anyone cares, that anyone is holding me to some standard/expectations, when it is actually me holding myself to these standards/expectations in my own mind, that it is really me that ‘cares’ and that within judging myself and my expression I am allowing others to do the same.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to compare my expression to other expressions instead of appreciating my expression on it’s own, not in comparison to anything else.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to fear that others will judge my expression, and within this fear, feel like I need to ‘explain’ myself and my expression, within this, not realizing that I am diminishing myself and my expression by living out these doubts and judgments, instead of standing equal to myself and my expression, in self acceptance and vulnerability and the courage to stand by what I do within realizing that what I do does not define me and my expression, but who I am in my expression is all that really matters.

I commit myself to be vulnerable and courageous with my expression, and to not define myself according to what I do, as that will lead me to limit my expression through fears and judgments.

I commit myself to living the example of vulnerability and self acceptance as what really matters.

I dedicate this blog post to my dear friend Carlton who supported me to look at these points in myself today, this blog goes out to you! 💕😘Check out Carlton's awesomely lyrical blog at Carlton's Journey to Life 🎶

For Support:

Take Responsibility for what is HERE in/as this world, within AND without:

Eqafe (Self-Perfecting interviews, books, music, etc)


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