Can We Change The World?

 This is how I'm getting some exercise in quarantine time.

I'm grateful to even have this space to move around in.

We are BEASTS. This earth is OUR home. We need SPACE to move around, we need access to a clean environment. We need adequate Time and Space and Resources to care for our living environments and our bodies. ALL humans need that. Or we get disease.

I'm ready to work toward a world where disease is not created. How can I do that? The outer world is a reflection of who we are and the values we are holding, so I'm working on sorting through the values that I hold and live out in my daily life and finding solutions at the individual level, cause that's where we need change. The things we see playing out on the larger scale are the same patterns that we are living in our relationships to each other at the individual level.

We can't change the world 'out there' in a direct way as individuals cause we haven't yet built that level of connection and response ability and trust with each other. We've left things up to 'governments' which is really just more of us humans, but nobody can really manage our behavior for us, our behavior is conditional, so really we 'simply' need to recognize the conditions we need to thrive, like space to live and move, clean air and water, adequate nutrition, and to support each other to be able to develop those conditions.

I'm ready to do what it takes to practically work toward this goal. I'm ready to do what I can to consider and support solutions that work for everyone, and to support anyone working toward such solutions in whatever ways I can. We have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Anything that can be lost, we didn't really have in the first place. And now we really have no choice anyway as the system fails behind the curtain of the virus.

So, here's to what's ahead for us, as we continue to sort out what it means to live here, what is necessary, and what is possible. ☀️πŸ’§πŸŽπŸ‘πŸ‘«πŸ™‚


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