I Have A Great Body
For so much of my life I've judged my body, based on ideas and standards that have nothing to do with the actual value of a body. The 'system' standards. The weird neurotic photoshop standards that still so many are abusing themselves through, because that is the value that is being substantiated through our participation, through our words, through our clicks, through our actions, on a collective scale. A massive delusion with the purpose and result to keep us in a relationship of separation from ourselves as physical beings, to keep us preoccupied with anything but the physical, keeping us trapped in cycles of addictions that never end because they never lead to satisfaction, and in fact are keeping us from ever reaching satisfaction in our lives by sabotaging that which is real.
I wish I could have realized the effect I was having on myself as my body way earlier in my life, from the very beginning, and that it is really just for the purpose of consumerism, while turning us into lifeless zombies that can't recognize real life and live as slaves to pictures and fantasies, missing out on real life, so it can be disregarded and abused. It wasn't until my late twenties when the Desteni message came about publicly that I had access to an actual understanding of the design of the beauty system, the bullshit of it all and the purpose and reason for it. And by then I had those patterns built into me for my whole life up until that point, exactly the way that it's designed to happen, and with reality continuing to confirm all those points of disregard of ourselves as the physical, by what we're all collectively accepting and allowing and living out.
So it has been years of self work to get to the point I'm at now, where I can see how great my body actually is, how my body has been supporting me all along, so that I can now consider how to live that gratefulness, so that I am ensuring that what and how I'm living toward my body is of actual support, so that I am not literally shooting myself in my own foot by shooting myself down in my own mind which has a direct impact on the physical, based on some ideas or standards that I see or believe are 'out there', but it's actually me that's living it within myself. I mean, sure the judgments can be said to exist 'out there' in terms of what and how others may live toward you, as they are living out the same accepted systems of judgment within themselves, but what I do have the power to change is those points in myself. And that is the only way we will be able to change those standards 'out there', by changing the part we do have control over, the parts in us, the part in which we in fact are responsible for, the part that we are playing that makes us complicit in all the ways the cruelty plays out in consequence.
It's taken years of self application to break through all the layers of perception through which I was viewing myself as my body. Judging the body according to outside standards that 'someone else' decided, I did not come up with them. I didn't sit down one day as I was growing up, and take out a paper and pen and write down, this is what I decide a good body should look like and this is what a bad body should look like, and here's the points I'm going to compare and judge my body to. No. Somebody else before me decided these standards, then I came along and was taught these standards by those that came before me, and accepted these standards as it's what everybody else seemed to be accepting, so it must be real then. Even though the reality is always here. Like here I am right in front of me, the value of me is always here, as a living, breathing being made from the dust of the earth like everything else that is here. The realness and support of my physical body was always here. My body never judged me. Never told me what I could or couldn't do or be based on how it looked. Or assigned some value of worth or worthlessness based on its attributes.
I'm grateful for where I stand now especially within considering having a child and what I would want for them, or any child. To not have to go through the same pointless patterns and bullshit that I did, to not teach them to become abusers in themselves that will go and cause harm to themselves and others in the world. I will be able to communicate and support them within the design that we are still collectively living out, but that will eventually come to an end, especially with the implementation of an Equal Money System that will remove the survival point, as that is what underpins much of the drive behind the belief in the need to participate in this system of characterization of attributes.
Why do we fear what others think or how they judge us or feel we need to live up to others' standards? Because on a level we do know that we are dependent on others for our survival. It's what we learned as children through our parents who we depended on for our survival and who taught us through their words and actions this system of judgment of beauty as characterization. We were dependent then, and we're still dependent now. You can't just go into the bush with a pocket knife, alone, and have a dignified life. It's not happening. We depend on each other to survive and therefore we do what we believe we must to ensure our survival and 'making it' in the system, because our survival isn't guaranteed for All. So we do things like 'dress for success', or get cosmetic surgeries, and all sorts of various approaches and degrees of self abuse trying to meet these standards, because we have accepted and allowed an economic system that is not successfully providing for all.
An Equal Money System is money given to All not according to or based on any characterization. It is an end to this characterization where some are 'rewarded' and others are 'punished' based simply on attributes, while no one is truly living as LIFE and we are busy degrading and diminishing ourselves through not standing up for what truly matters to honor ourselves as physical beings, and wasting so much of the time we have here in pointless self limitation that only serves the purpose of consumerism, missing out on the gift that the physical is, and how life is the only real beauty that exists.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to cause harm to myself and others through participation in and acceptance of an attribute that was designed as characterization based on self-interest, from which judgments are born that end in various forms of cruelty and self-abuse.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to disregard and harm that which is the real value which is life, through putting my time and focus and belief into value systems of make-believe that are designed to serve self interest and that cause extensive harm in this reality.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to not realize that what I accept for myself I accept for all others, and therefore I not only harm myself with my participation in self judgment whether positive or negative judgments, based on the construct of beauty, but that I am contributing to he greater harm that is taking place all the time in all the various forms as a result of the system of beauty and the judgments that come from it.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to want to hold on to the positive judgments while disregarding the consequences created as a result of both the positive and negative as they are both two sides to the same coin that we minted to strip Life of its real value in our eyes so that we can feel justified in abusing it.
I commit myself to only accept and allow within myself the real value of life and to only teach children the value of LIFE, especially if I am to become a parent myself, to not create another monster of character that will consume and abuse the world.
I commit myself to no longer give attention as my focus or my words and actions to beauty as an attribute of characterization to no longer contribute to the harm, but to live the realization of beauty as that which is the only real beauty which is LIFE.
For more context read this Creation's Journey to Life post:
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Beauty is an Attribute Born from the Self-Interest of Characterization that disregards Life and does not Recognize Life as the Only Beauty that Exists, allowing Judgment to be Born that Ends in Multi-Faceted Cruelty that Manifests and Becomes Character of Abuse to Others and Self-Abuse – purely based on the Foundation of the Idea that Beauty is Better.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Parents Contribute to the establishment of the Beauty as Cruelty Regime with the Introduction of Beauty and what goes with Beauty to their Children as Young as Possible – with NEVER Teaching the Child Any Values of Life, Creating just Another Monster as a Character, as a Human that will Consume and Abuse the World Extended Family and Friends of Parents will Support the Parents in the Development of the Characteristics of Beauty as a Right, without EVER Considering the Consequence of Such Behavior.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Activists will Only Confront Beauty as Cruelty in Relation to the Abuse of Animals, while the REAL Cruelty Includes the Abuse of Life IN ALL FORMS: the Making of ALL kinds of Beauty Products from Living Beings as PLANTS just for Beauty and Profit is Never Questioned by Vegans, Vegetarians, Enlightened Beings or Activists – as they do ALSO not Actually Realize what LIFE Really Actually IS, and are But Products of Beauty as Cruelty, Living a Beautiful Healthy Life, while Being Cruel to the Life-Forms Being Consumed by causing Division and Inequality Between Forms of Life, just to Claim the Moral High Ground in a World of Cruelty.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Words taught to Children that will become their thoughts are Laced with Judgment and Competition and Beauty to Prepare a Child for a Life as Cruelty in Motion as the Adult Human Being, where No Life is actually Ever Realized in its Equality as what is Really HERE Everywhere, Visible and Invisible, in All Forms – All the Time. Yet, through Creating Characters as Representations of Human Nature, Human Nature Becomes the Lifeless Cruelty that is Regarded as Beautiful, while Life Suffers at the Hands of Human Nature that is Lifeless.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Beauty, as how the Human Presents it Currently, will always be Lifeless – as it only Ever Represents a Character in a MIRROR as a Memory in a Illusionary Dimension. See Previous Blogs for Context.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Beauty is the Intrinsic System of Consumerism and money that Creates the Lifeless Human Nature Characters that PREY on Life to attempt to create Life in Illusionary Characters, Manifesting in its WAKE Cruelty in Every Way, which No Character can EVER See, as the Characters Depend on the Cruelty to be Beautiful.
I commit myself to show that Human Nature is just the Characterization of Cruelty in Fake Beauty just Like Love and Light as Consciousness Marks Life as Characters, allowing Cruelty to Exist in Every Form without Question – Never Realizing the Real Extent of Cruelty that Actually Exists All the TIME.
I commit myself to Bring all Life to Self-Awareness through Self-Realization to Stand and Deliver Life from the Abomination and Cruelty of Characterization.
I commit myself to Remind the Characters Pretending to be Life, that Characters only exist in Imaginary Stories where Life is NOT Realized and that this Causes Cruelty that is Immeasurable in the Vastness.
I commit myself to Bring to an End all Beauty as Characterization, as Beauty Can Only Exist as Life – which is Always Equal – But to Remind the Beings that Dare to Hear, that this is a Journey, One that will Not be without Pain, as Self-Realization is Always Pain, as Life is Currently Tortured in Every Way by the Characters Humans Became.
I commit myself to show that the Living Flesh is Formed from Dust and the Breath, which Implies that Dust and Breath is Life - and from this One can Realize: What is Life Really On Earth – Realize the Beauty this is Life as Yourself and Everything else , and Treat it with Respect because that is Self-Respect.
Featured Art: Catherine Barry
Awesome as fuck!