My Journey Through Chronic Pain pt. 2: You Can't Keep Me Down
But I don’t have a
choice. If I just lay there and wait, nothing happens. The pain
doesn’t go away. In fact it’ll probably just get worse as laying
around too much isn’t great for the body, things get stagnant and
achey. So, there’s really no choice. I have to get up and do all
the things that we all have to do, all those basic necessities, like
eating, shitting, showering, working, but in pain. I get to see
others get up and go about their day and they don’t seem to have
this pain thing going on. It feels so unfair. Do they even know how
good they have it? How much harder it is for me?
I think about how I
wish I could’ve realized how good I had it before I had pain all
the time. How I wish I could go back and make better use of the time
I had where my body wasn’t so burdened. I try to remember back to
when I used to not wake up with this pain, and I know there was a
time without this pain, where I used to wake up feeling refreshed,
recharged, capable, ready to go. But it was a long long time ago.
Before school, before dysfunctional family life, before entering the
work force, before relationships, a long time ago.
Since that time, and
a long time before the pain started, the days where I woke up feeling
refreshed, recharged, ready to go, gradually became less and less,
until most days I would wake up feeling depressed, inhibited,
unmotivated. I didn’t feel I had much to live for much of the time.
Nothing seemed to ever be working in my life. Jobs, money,
relationships, living situations, creative expression, everything,
and I seemed to have very little control over any of it. It was hard
to wake up and face my life. Face the things I had to do and
experience everyday. But the feelings and thoughts I’d have in
toward that life didn’t help with any of it. And they’re still
here. And even if I can’t change the pain, I can change who I am
within it, within myself, within what I’m allowing myself to
experience when I wake up to face my day every day. It’s not going
to get any easier. Am I going to let my pain be an excuse? Am I going
to allow any excuse? I want to live.
I’ve had a hard
life and I’ve made it through thirty-nine years of it til now.
Apparently in all my past lives I never really lived either. That’s
hard to swallow. And now I’m in position where I have the best
chance I’ve ever had, maybe my only chance, to get to find out what
it means to live for real. It took me a long time to get here, and
now that I’m here, I’m not going to let my scars hold me back.
I’m not going to let anything stand in my way. Some of us never
make it.
I’ll be damned if
anything is going to keep me down now. How much time do I have left?
How much time do I really have before the pain gets too bad that I
can’t bear to be alive anymore? Will I get to have children? Will I
get to see them grow up? Will I be able to be there for them? How
long will I get to have with my partner? The rest of my life? What
does that mean? Forty years? Twenty years? Two years? How the hell do
I know? It doesn’t matter. I could be hit by a bus tomorrow. Maybe
the pain will be reasonably manageable for the rest of my life to a
ripe old age. That’d be awesome, I’m totally down with that. But
whatever happens, I don’t want to WASTE THE TIME I DO HAVE.
I forgive myself
that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to wish the pain would just
go away, just not be here.
I forgive myself
that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to want to just wait until
the pain is gone, to not want to move until I feel no pain and it
doesn’t hurt.
I forgive myself
that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to allow the pain as an
excuse to feel unmotivated to get up and face my day.
I forgive myself
that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to compare my situation to
others who don’t experience waking up with this pain every day, and
use this comparison point to make myself feel bad for my situation.
What does it matter what another is experiencing when this is the
reality that I am in, and thus what is relevant to me. There is no
‘me now here without this chronic pain’, so it doesn’t make
sense to tease myself with some idea of that which isn’t real. My
experience is not the same as anyone else’s. Some people have it
even worse than me. Some better. That is how it is and doesn’t
change my situation in the moment.
I forgive myself
that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to make my experience worse
and ‘add difficulty’ to what is already a difficult situation
through comparison and allowing myself to wish that my reality was
not as it is.
I forgive myself
that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to waste time in thoughts and
feelings toward my experience or whatever it is I’m facing
currently in my life, whether it is chronic pain, relationships,
work, basic necessities, living in lack, feeling powerless or limited
in my reality in some way.
I forgive myself
that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to waste time in feelings
instead of focusing on solutions, and becoming the solution, and
living as much as I am capable of no matter what my situation is and
how limited it may be or seem.
I forgive myself
that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to resist facing my life and
my immediate reality, because it doesn’t ‘feel good’ as me not
‘feeling good’.
I forgive myself
that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to want to only move myself
when it feels good.
I forgive myself
that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to limit myself and my
movement to an idea of what ‘could be’ or ‘should be’ in
terms of how I could be feeling or experiencing myself.
I forgive myself
that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to want to just ‘wait’
for things to somehow get better, when things usually don’t get
better through just waiting, they usually get harder and more
difficult, and so really the best time is always now.
I forgive myself
that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to consider doing anything
other than moving myself and continuing with my life and living to my
fullest capability.
I forgive myself
that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to fear that I might not have
much time left or that my experience might become much worse. If it
does, it does, but I can’t predict that, nor do I want to be
wasting any of the time I do have on thinking about how things might
get worse. If things did get worse, I know I would regret having
wasted my time, just as I already do in looking back at my past
before I was living with this pain and wasted time in my thoughts and
emotions toward whatever ’unpleasantness’ I was experiencing in
my life. There can always be excuses to not move myself to my fullest
potential. I don’t want to look back on my life and wonder why I
didn’t make the most of this one opportunity I had in the time that
I had.
I forgive myself
that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to judge or blame myself for
wasting my time in the past on thoughts and emotions toward my
experience as I didn’t understand then what I do now and didn’t
have the tools that I have now to walk myself through and out of
these patterns.
I commit myself to
continue letting go of these patterns of limitation so that I am not
holding myself back in any way from living my life to the fullest.
I commit myself to
using the tools that I do now have of self writing and self
forgiveness to assist myself with letting go of these patterns so
that I am not standing in my own way of living to my utmost
I commit myself to
facing whatever is in my reality, even if it means there will be
pain, because at this point there is no life without pain, suffering
is literally a part of life until we get this reality sorted out, and
to do that requires that we sort ourselves out, with whatever
capacity we have, accepting no excuses. If we just wait for things to
feel good or change for the better, it never will. It will never be a
better time, things won’t just get easier. If you have a look, this
is what we’ve been doing in existence, putting of dealing with our
reality as we’ve created it, because it doesn’t feel good,
because it means pain and discomfort. But to accept things how they
are and not change is to also accept pain and discomfort, and to just
let it get worse and harder to stand up and make a change and get
through it.
I commit myself to
not wait for things to get worse, within hoping they would somehow
get better, and have to face even more difficulty and discomfort and
still have the same issues before me to get through.
I commit myself to
living comfort, ease, readiness, eagerness, passion, within myself to
create the best possible environment within myself and to support my
physical body to be its best self and live to its fullest
I commit myself to
live in gratefulness for the functionality that I do have, to live in
appreciation for what is available to me and to face the day ready,
willing, and eager, to utilize what is available to me to live,
grow, expand, nurture and nourish myself and my world to the utmost
of my ability.
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