I Am A Nit Pick
How this manifests is as moments of ‘unnecessary correction’.
This is how it looks like to the other person.
Were it is subtle blame coming through. Coming from a built up feeling of not really being able to say anything directly, so it has to come out in these little like, shit farts. You know, like ‘shart’s’, if you will. LOL. Like little purges of the pent up frustration within.
The frustration of feeling like I don’t have an outlet, don’t have a way to ‘air the dirty laundry’ so to speak. To have my side of the experience be heard and received and understood, so that a solution can be found, cause I don’t like walking around full of shit that is unresolved. It feels like you are trapped. Trapped in an experience that you are powerless to change.
This is how I transform myself from being Nit Pick to being a Neat Pick - A pick that I could say is ‘Neat’ as in ‘Cool’. You could take the definition of ‘neat’ as like ‘tidy’ as like, there’s nothing extra hanging around. No extra mess that is hidden anywhere festering. That sounds pretty Neat to me. I would rather my partner’s experience of me be that he chose a Neat Pick and not that he is now stuck with a Nit Pick.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that my partner would not hear me out, hear my side of things.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that my partner does
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear that my partner will react when or if I would bring things up in the moment.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear my partner’s reaction if he would react to me sharing my side of the experience.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think that my partner ‘is not interested in my side of the experience.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not create space and time to hear my partner’s side of the experience, unconditionally, through their eyes, and that this means that I must be ready to hear a different version of myself, from the eyes of another, who also does not yet have my side of the experience.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I have to let go of ‘my side’ of the experience for a moment in order to be able to unconditionally hear ‘the other side’.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I WANT to hear the other’s side, because I want resolution, and the only way to get REAL Resolution, is through hearing both sides and having both sides of the experience taken and considered together to get the full context of what was really happening, what each is really experiencing, and how to assist and support with those experiences so that they do not come out as points of blame and spitefulness in unrelated moments where it can’t be effectively dealt with or understood.
I commit myself to be open to hearing the ‘other side’ of things, to give as I would like to receive, which is to have my side be understood unconditionally and not having to be about ‘the other person’ but about My Experience and honoring my experience so that I can OWN it, take responsibility for My Part in it, as there is always a ‘part’ that each is playing, one and equal, equal in that each has a response-ability to live as the example of that which you would like to see lived.
Interested to walk your process of aligning yourself to what is best for all, and being your truest fullest expression without all the emotional baggage weighing you down, coming out in little ‘sharts’, ruining your life and relationships? It ain’t ‘easy’. Thankfully there is support, find it here:
- Creation's Journey to Life
- Eqafe
- Journey to Lifers
- Desteni Universe
- Desteni
- DIP Lite Course (FREE)
- DIP Pro
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