What is the Problem?

If there’s one thing I’ve come to realize in changing unsupportive behavior patterns, and all patterns are essentially ‘addictions’ in that it becomes a built in habit created through participation in it over time, is that if I don’t ‘replace’ the old unsupportive behavior with a new supportive behavior, then I will not be able to change the addiction. Stopping is not enough.

Focusing on the addiction, the ‘problem’, what is ‘wrong’ - is not going to bring a change. It simply keeps me focused on the problem, focused on it still existing, as if the problem is that it exists, when really the solution to the problem is to change the pattern, which means I am not focusing on the problem, I am focusing on WHAT I AM DOING instead.

In order to change the ‘problem’, I have to let go of it. No amount of focusing on it is going to make it change or go away. Look at it, yes, to see what the problem is, see what other behaviors you can develop to replace it, then you let the problem go, and you move yourself into those new behaviors. Don’t even look back. The clearer I make that decision within myself, if I have clarified it to the point that I see ‘the problem’, which isn’t really a ‘problem’, it’s simply ‘what I’m doing’ that is creating consequences in my life, and when I’ve made it clear to myself how what I am doing is creating consequences that I don’t actually want to experience, then I am ready to let it go, and move myself into the life I truly would like. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to focus on the ‘problem’, within this not considering that the time and energy I give to focusing on the ‘problem’ is time that I am remaining stuck in there being ‘a problem’, instead of moving myself to create and become solutions, so that I can actually go through a process of changing from the ‘problem’ behaviors to solution behaviors.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I must focus on the problem in order to find a way to ‘fix it’ or ‘make it go away’ through logic or reasoning, within this not realizing that I am actually supporting the ‘problem’ to continue.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that as long as the 'problem' is here, I must focus on and look at the problem in order to ‘figure out’ or solve it and that I cannot live and focus on solutions as long as it's still 'here'.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that the ‘problem’ or unsupportive behaviors simply existing is a ‘problem’ in itself, that because the ‘problem’/behavior exists, there is a ‘problem’, and that things are ‘fucked’ and something must be done to ‘fix’ or ‘solve’ this problem, instead of realizing that at some point the ‘problem’/behavior must cease to exist in my mind and focus in order to become and live a new way, new behaviors to replace the old, and eventually the ‘old’ will become irrelevant and ‘disappear’ in the sense of no longer being lived and participated in.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not consider that I am the driving factor in changing my focus from focusing on the behavior that I feel/believe/perceive I need to ‘stop’ in order to change myself and what I experience in my life, and that the only way for my focus on the problem to change, is by ME changing it, by CHANGING my FOCUS and participating in new behaviors to replace and ultimately leave behind the ‘old’.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that if I remain within the fear of the ‘problem’ existing, then I am ensuring that I am keeping the problem alive through my behavior and participation in focusing on that instead of focusing on living solutions, and that I have not yet made clear within myself my decision to change and live a new way.

I commit myself to focusing on what it is the would like to Live and create, instead of focusing on the ‘problem’ which is keeping me focused and stuck on the past. 

I commit myself to focus on what it is specifically that I would like to live and create so that I can ensure that I am creating THAT otherwise I will forever remain within the ‘problem’ and lamenting the existence of the ‘problem’ and how it is negatively impacting my life and others around me, within this using the ‘problem’ as a way to distract myself from truly living my life and creating the life I would truly like to live and experience.

I commit myself to daily and in each and every moment focus on what I would like to truly live, get to know myself, get to know what I truly would like for myself, which is ultimately a life free of self imposed limitation, where I take the opportunities that I do have and use them to the utmost in enabling myself to become and live to my utmost potential.

I commit myself to live in such a way where the 'problems' become 'distant memories' like from a past life, because I have passed that life and 'moved on' instead of staying stuck in/on the past which doesn't exist. 

Why would I want to remain stuck on the past and be denying myself the life and living that I would truly like? That's not what I am here for. I want the best, truly in my heart of hearts, and I would think we all want that, even if it is still at this point a deep down, buried, hidden wish that we haven't collectively all admitted to ourselves yet, cause we're still so stuck on all the fuckedness that we can't even see the potential that exists right here, in every moment, to make a new decision, to participate in a new behavior that will support the me and all life, and once I've done that repeatedly consistently over time I will become the solution and the problem will be transcended the same way it was created through consistent participation over time. 

Look at the word. Why are we still stuck in things like wars and economic enslavement? Currently our future is our past because we are holding on and not moving on and focusing on solutions, on what we CAN do with what we have. The media continually dredges up the past to keep us focused on the problems and the past instead of realizing the only way forward into real change and a better world is going to require that we let the past go and find ways to live in a better way, which is right here, all it takes is the decision to change our focus. To not let our Focus be 'Fuck Us' and how screwed up we are based on the problems that we still see existing all around us that has been existing for a long long time. And it starts with self, within uncovering how I am holding on to problems and to the past and not living the solutions I see where and as I'm able. Therefore, I commit myself to living here fully in the present, where the present is a gift that I give to myself and to those around me through living my best self in each and every moment. 

Featured Art by Marlen Vargas del Razo


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